We love movie night in our house, and everyone knows that movie night just isn't movie night if popcorn isn't involved. I saw a pin on Pinterest a while back that left me scratching my head in awe "you can't do that!! ...can you?!" I'm all for testing out new things, especially when the capital investment required is low, so this little experiment was a definite win-win! So, in … [Read more...]
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles Bento Lunch
Ok, so not so many planes in this bento, but there are enough automobiles that it should make up for the lack of planes! I found new sammie cutters in my travels to Superstore the other day and for just $2 I couldn't go wrong! I really love these cutters as they fit almost perfectly on a standard sized piece of bread. Despite the fact the individual sammies look … [Read more...]
Wrap, wrap, wrap it up Bento Lunch
Last night was a late one as I worked until 6:30, stopped off to pick up a super exciting item for an upcoming giveaway, a coffee visit with a couple of Heart Momma's at Children's hospital, a visit to an unexpected sick little man that my kids used to go to daycare with, and a late night MRI for my knee (holy crap that machine is all kinds of noisy!). Needless to … [Read more...]
TGIF! Pantry Pillage Bento Lunch
I always love how 4 day work weeks seem to have a way of making themselves feel like they were in fact, 64 day work weeks. This week was even more exhausting fun as I tackled single parenting while Mr.MoreThanYourAverageMom was working out of town. Needless to say the end of the week came and I was left with stale bread, scant leftovers, and no motivation. While scrounging … [Read more...]
And they called it, Puppy Love bento lunch
Today's lunch is once again brought to you by the inspiration of the super creative and talented Kellie over at Recipe.com. I saw this adorable mutt-fin a couple weeks back and just knew that my kids would love it! I made it into a ham and cheese sammie on a sourdough english muffin as opposed to peanut butter like Kellie did, but I'm sure it could be made with a variety of … [Read more...]