Once upon a time, way back in my bachelorette days I had a deep fryer. Words can not express how much I loved this thing. My girlfriends and I used to have "deep fry" parties where we would batter and deep fry almost anything we could find while drinking Italian Sodas... I know, we were truely pillars of health! Aside from hating the caloric addition to typically healthy food … [Read more...]
A Silver Medal Olympic Bento
Sorry for the lag in posting, we took a couple days off to see the Mariners play the Blue Jays for Mr.MoreThanYourAverageMom's birthday. So lunches consisted of fast food and good ole' American ball park goodness! MmmmmmHope you're all keeping up with the Olympics! Such an exciting time and I'm happy to pay tribute as best as I can. Canada received their second silver medal in … [Read more...]
Olympic Bento
In honour of the London 2012 Olympics I decided to make an Olympic themed bento today. I must tell you, I'm mildly in love with this one! I had a vision for this bento a couple weeks ago, and intended to create it earlier but got so busy I just couldn't make time. Irony is it was very quick to make, and used up the left over pizza from dinner! Double win!! I've always been … [Read more...]
Bento Scrap French Toast Casserole and another guest post!
I had the pleasure of guest posting again over at NeverSeconds for breakfast this time. Today's lunch was leftovers from breakfast! Mmmmm, how I love, love, LOVE this meal, and so do the kids which makes me love it even more! If you want to make it for yourself check out the recipe here, it's delicious and easy, I assure you!! In this bento: Alphabet pretzels, mixed … [Read more...]
There’s a monster in my lunch box!!
I've mentioned before that sometimes I have tremendous self discipline and research, and plan out my attack. Those days I typically come up with super cute bentos that will make even the most discerning toddler grin. Other Most days, I fly by the seat of my pants and hope for the best! This is a funny route because sometimes it results in some of my best bentos, and sometimes … [Read more...]