If you know me personally, or follow me on Instagram, you’ll likely know that I’m a huge baseball fan. It’s my favorite pastime, not just to watch, but to play as well. Thankfully, living in Vancouver affords me the ability to play about 10 months out of the year.
Well, 9 months this year…
Thanks to a freak accident as a result of a questionable decision to attempt to stretch an easy double into a not so easy triple, I slid into third base and busted up my knee pretty good. 1 ambulance ride, 7 stitches and 13 staples later, I was drugged up and on my way to 2 weeks of bed rest and a month on crutches.
No, I wasn’t safe at third (although I did score 2 runs!), and yes, I’d likely do it again if given the opportunity.
As glamorous as vegging out in pj’s and watching TV all day may sound, bed rest is really not a fun place to be in for an extended period of time.
Here are 3 tools that I discovered during my time that will help you survive bed rest:
- Netflix – If you’re going to be laid up in bed anyways, now’s a great time to binge watch an entire season of your favorite show. If you’re looking for something light hearted and fun, check out Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Written by Tina Fey this hilarious comedy series follows a woman who is rescued from a doomsday cult and starts life over as a nanny for a socialite in New York City. Armed with just a backpack, light-up sneakers and a couple of past-due library books, she takes on a world she didn’t think even existed anymore.
- Grocery Delivery – Believe it or not, life goes on outside the confines of your bedroom, and if you have children, a spouse, or a pet, they likely still need to eat while you’re laid up. If you’re type A like I am, and have a hard time delegating grocery shopping to anyone for the fear of being stuck with a mega-sized container of the sandwich spread that no one in the house will eat, or enough single ply sandpaper TP to make 16 wedding dresses, then you need grocery delivery. Metro Vancouver is serviced by a variety of delivery services such as Spud.ca, Save-on-Foods and Thrifty Foods to name a few.
- Meal Delivery – For those times when no one’s around to cook for you, or you’re all just too tired/lazy/busy to do it yourself, let the professionals do it for you! Try Lazy Meal or Just Eat for excellent delivery options for when you don’t want to do it yourself.
Of course, a supportive partner that is willing to wait on you hand and foot (for which I’m forever indebted!) is also a bonus, however I haven’t yet found an online service that will deliver one of those!
Have you ever been on bed rest? What helped get you through?
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