Now, let me tell you… The unsung hero of this blog is often Mr.Morethanyouraveragemom, but today he’s the hero more than ever. Here I was, late last night crafting up a delicious and super cute bento lunch for the littles, when he walks in, takes one look and says with the straightest face you’ve ever seen “did you do that on porpoise?!” I nearly died right then and there! So there you have it… Today’s lunch, a porpoise on porpoise! purpose! I picked these cutters up a Walmart last time I was there, and I was excited to finally use them! I decided to change it up a bit and use up some left over chicken for these chicken and cheese quesadilla dolphins. I also added in some wholegrain penguin crackers (similar to goldfish crackers) chips and wholly guacamole and homemade (by my amazing old nextdoor neighbour who we had over for dinner on the weekend) potato salad. Now, before you flame me for the lack of balance in this meal, there’s a peach and a yogurt that aren’t pictured.
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So cute! 🙂
Haha! Adorbs!
Super cute! But – it’s a dolphin not a porpoise! – as my 4 year old would say thanks to the Cat in the Hat Whale of a Tale book!
Sant Ritz’s charming address offers a world of opportunities for your little ones in the future.the interlace