Sorry for the lag in posting, we took a couple days off to see the Mariners play the Blue Jays for Mr.MoreThanYourAverageMom’s birthday. So lunches consisted of fast food and good ole’ American ball park goodness! Mmmmmm
Hope you’re all keeping up with the Olympics! Such an exciting time and I’m happy to pay tribute as best as I can. Canada received their second silver medal in rowing so in true bento fashion, you, err… my kids, get a rowing themed bento! This is a spin on the always popular Octo-Dogs as well as inspiration from a blog that I can no longer find 🙁 the Little Nummies Blog (A big thanks to Bentonbetterlunches for sleuthing the source of this one for me!). The little hotdog rower was creatively made with hotdogs, and his little oars are spaghetti with hotdog slices at the end. His face was drawn on with edible marker. So… For your viewing pleasure, here’s today’s Olympic themed bento… GO CANADA!!!
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This is beyond adorable!
Thanks Michelle!