Last night we had an absolutely amazing thunder and lightning storm. Seemed very metaphorical for my life right now in fact. The last 2 weeks have been insane a little crazy to say the least and as a result I’ve been on a blogging hiatus while I attended a “family” funeral 7 hours away. I’ve still been bentoing, of course, so stay tuned for “a week of forgotten lunches” that will follow!
My commute home yesterday, while long and traffic-y, was somewhat calm and serene. The sky was blue, and the sun was peeking out from behind the few clouds that were lingering, and in the distance, as I approached my house I could see some flashes of light. I thought it might be lightning, but being as the sky was remarkably clear, I didn’t think it possible. I noticed a few more flashes as the night went on, and then shortly after dinner came the rain. The sky opened up and it began to pour. Seriously pour. My little cul-de-sac had mini rivers flowing down it, it was coming down so hard! The kids quickly hopped out of the bath tub and threw their PJ’s on so we could all sit in front of our huge front windows and watch the storm go by. They really loved seeing the lightening flash and hearing the thunder roll. Moments like this make me realize how clueless I often am in this whole parenting thing…
Big Brother: Mommy, what makes that banging noise?
Me: The thunder makes the banging noise!
Big Brother: Ya, but how does it make the noise?
Me: Ummmm… I don’t know… I think it’s when the clouds rub together…
Big Brother: Oh… I think it makes that noise when Santa gets mad!
Me: Yes sweetie… That noise is Santa reminding you to be a good boy, so you’d better listen up!
Works for me!
Today’s lunch consists of a SunButter and Jelly Sammie cut with The Lunch Punch cutter, cheese lightening bolts, orange umbrella, chicken fingers, veggies, grapes, crackers, and Presidents Choice Alphabet Pretzels.
Things I used to make this lunch:
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Adorable stormy bento!