Nathan keeps telling me that he want's a cute fun lunch... Interesting... I thought all the lunches I've been making have been cute and fun! Geez.4 year olds have high standards these days I guess!I hope that today's lunch meets the high expectations of my discerning preschoolers! I'm not sure that the kids know what a xylophone is though... Do xylophones even exist … [Read more...]
W is for Waffle
If you've read my blog before, you'll know that the waffle-wich is a popular one in our house. The biggest kid is a HUGE breakfast fan and has been known to gobble up 10 medium sized pancakes in one sitting!Seriously.He's a kid after my own heart and truely LOVES breakfast food! Naturally then, W had to be for Waffle. Luck would have it too, that there were 2 waffles … [Read more...]
U is for Umbrella!
Well, I suppose fall has finally arrived in Vancouver. This year has been a funny one in that summer seemed to have taken forever to arrive, but when it came it was amazing. Beautiful warm days that lasted forever. Then.Just as soon as summer arrived.It left.Seriously. And right on time too. The "official" first day of fall had a chill to it, the sun seemed to take longer … [Read more...]
V is for… Well… V!
Holy cow.I can't believe we're at V already! Let me tell you. I seriously underestimated the alphabet on this one, and very nearly bit off more than I could chew (pardon the pun)! When I thought up the idea to do a letter of the alphabet each day of the week beginning at the start of the school year I thought this was going to be a walk in the park. A is for Apple, B is for … [Read more...]
Picky Little Pumpkin Halloween Blog Hop
I love Halloween.I love Bentos.I love the Dollar Store (an no, I'm not afraid to admit it!).I love cute stuff.And inadvertently, I seem to love stuff that drives Mr.MoreThanYourAverageMom nuts! ...Funny, many of said things happen to be cute bento related things that come from the dollar store! Anyways, I happen to have an insanely awesome dollar store right near my work … [Read more...]