Today's lunch is brought to you by the letter P! P is for Penguin, and Penguins are a Plenty in this lunch! I absolutely love penguins and think they are just the cutest little creatures in the whole world. FUN FACT: Did you know that male Emperor penguins will incubate their eggs for two months in the winter without eating while the females are at sea. During that time, … [Read more...]
O is for Octopus and Okra Bento Lunch
I'm a strong believer of the old adage "You learn something new every day". Today I learned that not all Okra are the same! I also learned that if you're looking for Okra for tomorrow's lunch, don't do it the night before! I knew that day O was going to be Octo-Dogs. They're super cute, and easy, and the kids love them! Even hotdog hating Madison. The side O dish however I … [Read more...]
September Foodie PenPal Reveal Day
Welcome to month 2 (for me) of the Foodie PenPal program! This month was exciting for me as the person sending to me was someone I know! We actually used to live very close to each other and first met when we were both planning our weddings! We now both have 2 kids close in age, and prior to me returning back to work after maternity leave, we would hang out at open gym drinking … [Read more...]
N is for Nacho Bento Lunch
Getting back to our thematic unit brings us to the letter N. The thought of making a Narwal crossed my mind on a few different occasions, however I settled with Nachos. Mini nachos! I saw this somewhere in the land of pinterest some time ago and have been wanting to replicate it ever since! The nachos sit on a bed of leftover rice and are made of Tostito's SCOOPS chips (I … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday Bento
Three times a year at minimum I have a little major, holy shit moment. I've discovered that parenting does this to you... Or rather, not so much parenting, but becoming a parent. Time used to pass, with only such significant events as mine or my hubbys birthdays and major holidays marking time come and gone. Days.Weeks.Months.Years.All used to pass in the blink of an eye, … [Read more...]