Well... I guess it's more like Lions, Edamame, Grapes, and Teddy's... Oh My!Seriously... I impressed myself with this one! And the shocking part is that it was SUPER easy! My pantry is getting seriously low, so I've had to resort to making due with my freezer stock pile... Which, coincidentally is also getting low! I found some rotini that the kids loved (and turned out to be a … [Read more...]
Madagascar Inspired Bento
The theme (if you can call it that) for this bento is the upcoming release of Madagascar 3! My kids, and us, have loved all the Madagascar movies so far, so when I was picking up bananas at the grocery store that had little Madagascar 3 stickers on them, I wanted to somehow incorporate these into the kids lunches. Lacking creativity, I decided to do little cheese penguins, and … [Read more...]
Blast Off & Flower Power Bento’s
I made a trip to Daiso the other day and got some new cutters. One great thing about Daiso is that their product seems to completely change every time I go there so there's always something exciting and new! This is another pretty simple bento, just spicing some regular sammies with cute little pictures! Small Fry got a little flower scene with a butterfly, and The boy got the … [Read more...]
Pizza Party Bento
Due to my recent stock pile of the fabulous Crescent Pizza Roll Ups, I decided to make an easy lunch today and begin the depletion of my stock pile! Pretty basic, but delicious pizza party lunch today!In this bento: Crescent Pizza Roll Ups, Grape and cheese kebabs, mixed veggies, raisins and carrots cut like fish, heart and star shaped eggs, fruit leather, half nutrigrain bar, … [Read more...]
Under the Sea
Today we decided to check out a park that was a short drive away in our new neighbourhood. So glad we did!! It's a big beautiful park with a small playground, a walking track that's about 1 km and goes around a great little fishing lake. The kids loved tossing rocks into the lake, seeing a man de-hook the fish that he had just caught, chasing geese, and picking raspberries off … [Read more...]