I've always believed that everything is better when it's in its small form. Puppies, mini doughnuts, two bite brownies, and those itty bitty chocolate bars are among some of my faves. So it shouldn't surprise me when it appears that my kids are following suit in my love for the little. I swear my kids are the only children on the planet to not like pizza, except for when served … [Read more...]
{MAKE IT} Crescent Pepperoni Roll Ups
It's no secret that I love Pinterest. It's one of the greatest things to ever happen to me awesome! If you haven't joined yet, seriously, what are you waiting for... I'm telling you, it's life changing! It was integral in planning oldest child's 4th birthday... I now have a constant visual reminder of all the amazing crafts, gifts, foods, and activities that I had planned … [Read more...]
Last minute bento
While my goal is always to make the kids lunches early the evening prior to when they're needed, sometimes Facebook and The Bachelorette life get in the way, and I'm left scrambling late, late at night, or the dreaded morning before daycare... This, was one of those days!One of the great thing about bento lunches though, is that even a late, last minute bentos can still be … [Read more...]
A simple little bento
You know a cute pair of shoes or a new cardigan can dress up the same ole' pair of jeans you always wear? Well, a plain ole' cookie cutters can do just the same to an ordinary sammie! With our recent move my kitchen remains in a state of mild disarray. Still wanting to create something cute but lacking in both time, and motivation, I decided to dress up an ordinary sammie by … [Read more...]
It’s a Disney kind of day
I'm a slave for mail. The Good, exciting, non-bill type of mail (which I don't get nearly enough of), and today was a good mail day! I ordered some sammie cutters off eBay a little while ago and they finally arrived!! For a mom on a (new) bento mission I'm a tad lacking in the bento supplies, so when I found these super cute Mickey and Minnie cutters for a good … [Read more...]