Well it finally happened! I lost my commuter cycling virginity! Yesterday was the start of bike to work week, and today I geared up my new Schwinn ride and embarked on my inaugural journey to my office! I am thrilled to report that I was door to door in a mere 22:16 minutes! Apart from a quick stop to adjust my seat height, and being honked at by an old lady driving a … [Read more...]
May is Bike Month! 3 tips for picking the best bicycle type for you
I live approximately 6 kms from my office. Thanks to city life, this means that I can be door to door anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes depending on traffic, weather, and all other fun commuting factors. Typically, my mode of transport to and from the office is one of three methods: Personal Car Transit Carpool I'm happy to announce that thanks to Schwinn … [Read more...]
Over worked and under played – How to know when enough is enough
Managing busy calendars as an adult can be a chore - often involving a degree in multi-tasking with minors in time management, organizational efficiencies, and defensive driving. Add to that the schedule of a child or two and it'll be a miracle if you still have your sanity in tact come Friday. Growing up, my brother and I were "do all of the things" kind of children. … [Read more...]
3 tools to help survive bed rest
If you know me personally, or follow me on Instagram, you'll likely know that I'm a huge baseball fan. It's my favorite pastime, not just to watch, but to play as well. Thankfully, living in Vancouver affords me the ability to play about 10 months out of the year. Well, 9 months this year... Thanks to a freak accident as a result of a questionable decision to attempt to … [Read more...]
6 Reasons to put Big White on your family vacation bucket list
This post on Big White originally appeared on Family Fun Canada Between British Columbia and neighbouring Alberta there is truly no shortage of winter ski destinations on the West Coast of Canada. Each destination boasting their various claims to fame – Highest vertical, Most terrain, Fastest lifts, and of course Best snow. Big White is the holder of many of those titles. In … [Read more...]