Last night we had an absolutely amazing thunder and lightning storm. Seemed very metaphorical for my life right now in fact. The last 2 weeks have been insane a little crazy to say the least and as a result I've been on a blogging hiatus while I attended a "family" funeral 7 hours away. I've still been bentoing, of course, so stay tuned for "a week of forgotten … [Read more...]
Dogs Day Lunch Bento
♪♫♪ How much is that doggy, in the window ♪♫♪Today's lunch was inspired by a lack of time, energy, and bento mojo... So I guess it's hardly an inspired lunch at all... I'm not sure what it is, the time change I suppose, but I've been lacking energy in a big way. Not just energy, but motivation as well, made quite apparent by my lack of bento posting … [Read more...]
{MAKE IT} Braided Spaghetti Bread
It's been a while since I posted a recipe, but not for a lack of cooking, rather a lack of inspiration I suppose. I've been making a lot of the same old stuff lately, between the colder weather and the fact that it's practically pitch black by the time I get home at night I'm less than motivated to feed my family, never mind feed them something that's … [Read more...]
Frankensammie and his Spook-tacular Bento Lunch
ACKKKKKKK!!! Today's lunch is creepy, creepy, creepy! I wasn't kidding when I said I love Halloween! Hope my kids aren't too scared of the food to eat it! Today's lunch was a lot of fun to make, and really really simple! I used my new Cutezcute Animal Friends Food Deco Cutter and Stamp Kit, which is really cool! It is very easy to use and very versatile! I still haven't picked … [Read more...]
Z is for Zebra Bento Lunch
Shhhh... Listen closely...You hear that?!...It's there, I assure you! In case you can't hear it yourself, it's the sound of angels singing! The glorious bells of the heavens are ringing, and the angels are singing HALLELOUJA. Today (minus the battle that I had with my son at 6am), is a wonderful day!Today marks the end of the alphabet, Zee, Zed, oh how I've longed for you! As … [Read more...]