Whether you got junk in the trunk, or junk for trunks, you’ve got no reason not to get your booty down to your closest Mark’s between June 7th and 9th.
Why you ask?
Well, just so happens that Canada’s leading menswear retailer, Mark’s, is giving men a reason to drop their pants and upgrade their underwear… FOR FREE!
Mark’s wants to get in your pants. They want to get their revolutionary Denver Hayes with driWear underwear, in your pants and give men a solution to a problem that nearly half of all Canadians identify as a problem.
Did you know, according to a national survey, commissioned by Mark’s last year:
- 99% of Canadian men say comfort is important when buying a new pair of underwear
- 86% of Canadian men say how underwear keeps them dry is important when buying a new pair of underwear
- Almost half (46%) of Canadian men are not very satisfied with the way their underwear keeps them dry, and
- 100% of Canadian women are fed up with hearing their men complain about the status of their junk
… ok, that last stat was less commissioned by Mark’s, and more pulled from my life…
Unlike your grandpa’s undies, Denver Hayes with driWear offers a superior level of comfort by allowing sweat to quickly move from the inner layer of fabric to the outer layer where it can evaporate quickly.
Running from June 7th to 9th, Mark’s will be giving out a FREE pair of Denver Hayes with driWear underwear to those individuals who spend $20 or more in store. Customers will have three styles to pick from ( driWear Trunk, driWear Boxer, and driWear Brief) so ladies, if you want your men to look like this
Get them to your nearest Mark’s between June 7th and 9th.
You’re welcome!
BUT WAIT!! There’s more!
The fantastic folks at Mark’s want to give one of my amazing readers a $50 Mark’s Gift Card for a mini shopping spree! Enter below! Contest is open to all Canadians until June 12th. Good luck!
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I’d prefer the driWear Tec Performance Boxer Brief but I don’t see it on your list! Of the ones listed I’d say the driWear Trunk Brief.
Since Mark’s doesn’t offer ladies driWear undies, I’d have to say that of the choices listed I like the driWear Trunk Brief.
I like the Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs
Great deal!! I’m in….
Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs are what I prefer.
denver dri wear trunk briefs for sure.
I definitely want DH to look like one of the guys above…
Hubby would definitely prefer the Driwear Boxer Briefs. cardshark42(at)Hotmail(dot)com
Sign me up for the boxer briefs. Oh, and my husband likes them also 😉
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
Denver Hayes
driWear Trunk Brief
I prefer the boxer briefs
Driwear boxer briefs.
(Karla Sceviour)
I like the DRIWEAR
(Tammy Dalley)
i like the DRIWEAR BRIEF
Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs
driWear Boxer Briefs…so perfect for my son and husband!
The boxer brief
My preference is for the DRIWEAR BRIEF.
My hubby would prefer the boxer briefs!
the Denver hayes boxer briefs are my favorite , well not for me to wear lol as I am female but these are the kind my sons always want lol
I’m guessing the kiddo would like or prefer the
Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs. Comfy but ok for skinnier styled pant legs now too…
ladybugcda (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like the Driwear Boxer Briefs for my guy
I like the Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs for my hubby.
Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs
I like the Denver Hayes driWear Boxer Briefs (for my hubby 😉 )
breej23 at hotmail dot com
Denver Hays driWear Trunk Briefs
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