And doughnuts… Pretty sure life is better with doughnuts!
I can’t believe that summer is coming to a close, and the kids with be returning to school next month. The past two months have literally whizzed by! That shouldn’t come as a surprise though given that we jam packed it with vacations, summer camps, beach visits and more. Still, it seems to get shorter and shorter every year.
The start of school marks the start of utter chaos in this house. Extra-curricular activities mean most nights are spent chauffeuring two kids from activity to activity, cramming down dinner on the go, while practicing spelling words and math problems between stop lights (please tell me I’m not the only one!)
The first activity of the year is piano lessons. While piano is the biggest kid’s jam, the smallest kid is indifferent. Give her a microphone and a stage however and look out! Being as I was very active in Concert, Jazz, and Marching Band, I’m stoked that my kids share the same appreciation for music as I have. While we took a break from music lessons over the summer, we certainly didn’t take a break from music!
We’ve recently tuned in to the new Netflix original kids series Beat Bugs, which features some of my favourite cover artists (Hello P!nk and Eddie Vedder to name a few!) each episode rocking out to some of the most well-known Beatles songs ever sung. This is the music that I used to listen to as a child with my parents, so being able to pass this on to my kids is pretty cool. What else I love about Beat Bugs is that each cover song is woven into uplifting stories filled with melody, hope and the wonders of friendship inspired by some of the Beatles best hits remade.
Side benefit: After your kids have long gone to bed your ear worm is songs like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds or Blackbird, which is far better than some of the theme songs I’m left cursing!
My video shy children wouldn’t let me film them jamming on camera, so we shot this fun video instead!
I want to see your family jamming to Beat Bugs! Enter below for a chance to win a 3-month Netflix subscription! All you have to do is enter below! Bonus entries if you can catch your family’s “All You Need is Love” cover song and share it on social using #BeatBugs!
What’s your favourite Beatles tune?
Disclaimer: I am part of the Netflix #StreamTeam and receive perks for my ongoing partnership. As with everything, all thoughts and opinions are my own!
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My fave is Hey Jude!