Croissants were on sale at Superstore the other day, and this is great news because I LOVE croissants. This is also great news because croissants make super cute crabs in a bento!
One problem…
I apparently suck at making a croissant into a super cute crab bento lunch. You know the times when you have an idea, or see a picture, and go “oh, I got this”
That was me!
But oh no… I don’t got this.
Good news is, it was still cute, so it wasn’t all for not! I will conquer the cute crab bento, this I promise you!
Today’s lunch consists of a ham and cheese croissant crab sammie with zucchini and olive accents, leftover spaghetti and Ikea Meatballs, and some cherry tomatoes.
Things I used to make this lunch:
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The crab is really cute! You never fail to provide exciting ideas on how to make food/eating interesting.
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