Photo cred: PhoTobin Photography
You may recall the hilariously ironic I am not a blogger shirts that Walmart produced last summer. Well, I suppose they were only hilariously ironic if you were one of the many actual bloggers who snapped these shirts up, but none the less, they’re a great shirt!
Walmart’s creative fashion marketing department is at it again with this new Internet Famous shirt to follow up the hit apparel line from last summer. Needless to say, as soon as word of these new baseball style shirts hit the blogger buzz, I was off to my local Walmart to find one in my size. I must admit, the quality is far superior to that of the the I am not a blogger shirt, and much to my families chagrin, I’ve donned this one in public many times since it’s purchase. Thankfully, my kids aren’t old enough to be too publicly embarrassed by my attire just yet, however I can’t say the same for my man!
My friend Kyla from Mommy’s Weird made a killer compilation of some awesome bloggers who are the proud owners of last summers shirts, and promised to do the same with the Internet Famous shirt. Unfortunately, Kyla is lazy has been too busy being actually Internet Famous, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Tyra Banks and Jillian Michaels, so she tasked me with doing it this time!
Are you Internet Famous? What are your thoughts on these shirts?
Share your selfie below and a link to your blog or social site so we can check you out!

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I LOVE these shirts so I had to buy one too! Such a fun idea to have these pictures all in one place!
You know, Walmart is really not my jam… But I might make a special visit just for that shirt LOL