We’re 5 days into Movember, and cutezcute bear is rockin’ his Mo… Are you? (Actually, I guess this is less of a moustache and more of a beard, but you get the drift!) If there wasn’t currently an NHL Lockout, you’d think the playoff’s had just begun. Men all around are gettin’ scruffy. These days are crucial in the world of the Mo. These are the excruciating days where you go from “ha ha, I’m growing a moustache, this is awesome!” to “OMG, my face is revolting against me get it off me NOW!”, so I’m told… Despite my best efforts, I’ve never grown any facial hair, aside from eyebrows and eyelashes, but I can definitely sympathize with this feeling (ladies know what I’m talking about!). Do you have the infamous “itch”? Push through it manly men, and rock your Mo in the name of men’s health!
If you haven’t already, head over to the Movember Website (you can filter by your location) and check out all the amazing men that are raising money for a great cause. Or, consider sponsoring Canadian Dad and his MO-Team here!
Back to lunch… Today’s lunch is a cutezcute bear Sunbutter and Jelly sammie with a little Sunbutter beard. Leftover spiral macaroni, veggies, President’s Choice Alphabet Pretzels, Plums, and a cheese stick. Delish!
Are you, or a man in your life participating in Movember? If so, please put your/their link in the comments so we can share some Mo-lovin!
Things I used to make this lunch:
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You’re awesome Sarah! Thanks for the shout out!
Love your Movember Panda! Sunbutter and Jelly sandwiches rock!