It’s that time again! Every once in a while Kraft Foods puts on this program where for a small price ($30, shipping included) they send you a package of food to try out. Now, the name is samplicious which implies that it might be sample sizes, or just a small sampling of foods, but no, I assure you this is NOT the case. They are infact full sized items that you receive, and you receive LOTS!

I packaged up my coupons, my reusable shopping bags and hit the grocery store. Now… Let me tell you, I’m no coupon queen like some people are, but in my mind I practically hit the coupon lottery! When I arrived at the grocery store I noticed that they had a store coupon for $3 off when you purchase any three participating Kraft products, and the store allowed me to use my coupons for the free Kraft products in addition to the coupon for the $3 off!! Wow, was I a happy camper! I sure love getting a good deal and this I did.
I didn’t use all the coupons in one shop as I was only there for a few things, but already with my coupons I save $23 using only 4 of the coupons!
So, needless to say, you should definitely sign up for this program! It’s $30 very well spent! The only downside is that as far as I know it’s for Canadian’s only so somewhat exclusive.
Here’s the link if you decide to sign up! If nothing else, check it out and get on the mailing list so they’ll send a little notification of when the packages are up for grabs!
If you haven’t yet, please head over and vote for More Than Your Average Mom for the Circle of Moms Top 25 Canadian Mom’s award! It’s really simple, just click on the button below (or the one in the side bar to the right) and click the “VOTE” button. No registration required! You can vote once per day until October 11th! Thanks so much for your support!
Seriously, a million thank you’s!
**Please note that despite my charm and witt, I was not in any way compensated for this review, nor was it sponsored or sanctioned by Kraft. This is just something that I stumbled upon and love, and want to share with my readers!**
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