To put it nicely, our weather lately has SUCKED. Non stop rain, cold, and just overall gloominess. May-cember is over but sadly, it has paved the way for June-uary.This bento was inspired by memories of the sun, and the desire to create a lunch for the kids that was more than just another plain ole' sammie. Our nextdoor neighbour (from our rental house) used to always … [Read more...]
Double the Bento, Double the fun!!
I guess it's always double the bento, double the fun in this house seeing as I make at least 2 lunches every day, but this is one of the rare occasions that I made two DIFFERENT lunches... And believe me, that's a big deal! And, it's a double post day! It's a fun Friday for sure! I was dieing to use my new egg molds, so I boiled up some eggs, and made my lunches revolve … [Read more...]
Mail Call!!
Today was an excellent mail day... An unexpected, excellent mail day!! I had long since forgotten about the egg molds that I ordered off eBay a while ago, until there they were, in all their little packaged goodness sitting on the counter for me when I got home! As I'm still new to bento-ing, and our walk in supply stores are somewhat limited out here, I don't have nearly as … [Read more...]
Lions and Tigers and Bears… Oh My!!
Well... I guess it's more like Lions, Edamame, Grapes, and Teddy's... Oh My!Seriously... I impressed myself with this one! And the shocking part is that it was SUPER easy! My pantry is getting seriously low, so I've had to resort to making due with my freezer stock pile... Which, coincidentally is also getting low! I found some rotini that the kids loved (and turned out to be a … [Read more...]
Madagascar Inspired Bento
The theme (if you can call it that) for this bento is the upcoming release of Madagascar 3! My kids, and us, have loved all the Madagascar movies so far, so when I was picking up bananas at the grocery store that had little Madagascar 3 stickers on them, I wanted to somehow incorporate these into the kids lunches. Lacking creativity, I decided to do little cheese penguins, and … [Read more...]