You may remember my fun and informative trip to the meat packing plant last summer. Well, this summer, the BC Chicken Growers’ Association and BC Chicken Marketing Board have launched an innovative online awareness campaign to educate the public about Canadian chicken growing practices.
As you know, I’m a meat loving vegetarian who is the primary cook for my family, while I don’t eat meat, I do purchase and cook it regularly, as such I like to be informed about where my meat comes from, and subsequently, how it’s processed.
I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I was among the 64% of Canadians who believed that hormones and steroids were added to their chicken. I was quite surprised, and relieved to learn that this practice has been banned in Canadian poultry for over 50 years!
Move aside Real Housewives of Vancouver – Hello Real Chicken Farmers of British Columbia!
Chicken Squad follows local British Columbia chicken farmers as they come together to create a parody action movie trailer to let consumers know that their chicken is hormone-and steroid-free. The ten episode documentary video series uses humour, vulnerability and a whole lot of fun to get the point across.
Chicken Squad is produced by the BC Chicken Marketing Board and BC Chicken Growers’ Association. The world-wide online premier of the movie trailer will take place at on May 12, 2014.
To celebrate the launch of the Chicken Squad trailer on May 12, 2014, You have the chance to win an awesome Prize Pack from the Chicken Squad including a $100 Overwaitea Food Group below!
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The trailers are not loaded yet BUT I really like the audition video (episode 1). It’s great to see their sense of humour.
I like “Audition Day” because you get to see them goof around with their families. It makes them seem more “real” and I would totally buy my chicken from them!
My phone was being a bit buggy, so I only saw the first audition episode. Funny though. Also: I didn’t know that hormones & steroids had been banned in Canadian chicken for that long!
Weird, I commented yesterday afternoon but it’s not here.
I liked the episode 8 where they have the stunt men come in. It looks like everyone had fun!
I find Episode 8 is the one I find most exciting as it is hilarious watching the farmers and stunt people interact.
I love episode 7 because it is about family and that they are just as “normal” as we are!
Love the laughs.
I like the first episode – I always like watching how shows set up the storylines.
I like the “Audition Day” because it made me laugh!