Make an ordinary day extraordinary when Disney On Ice presents Let’s Party! brings more than 50 Disney characters from 16 beloved Disney stories together in Vancouver for one colossal party on ice! This fun-filled show features a magical montage of celebrations, holidays and festivals from around the globe set to a blend of contemporary music and favorite Disney songs, playing … [Read more...]
7 FREE Family activities to take in at the West Coast Christmas Show & Marketplace
Whether you like it or not, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas out there. And by look, I mean seem, because let's be honest... Winter in mid-November in Vancouver looks like this... Despite the amazingly warm weather locals have been seeing as of late, many of our local ski hills are opening early this weekend. While I'm not quite ready to pull out the skis or … [Read more...]
Top 10 family friendly things to do during the 2014 Grey Cup Festival
My family have always been die hard BC Lions fans and season ticket holders, so many of my childhood memories involve heading into Vancouver and watching the Lions play. My "fan-dom" has had various stages: Eager child attending with my parents Eager fan watching my favorite player #60 (who happened to be my besties hubby!) Eager parent anxious to pass on the family … [Read more...]
Last minute Halloween Costume Ideas #StreamSomeScreams
Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. I have loved playing dress up since I was a small child, so the opportunity to don a costume in public once a year is a ton of fun for me. Halloween also marks my Dad's birthday, so Halloween isn't just about dressing up and banging down doors for candy, it's also about family coming together to celebrate. My Dad is a diehard … [Read more...]
A smoothie for every season
I almost don't want to talk about it for fear of jinxing it, however Vancouver has had quite possibly the most amazing weather as of late. I keep referring to it as an Indian summer, but in reality we're just having a really fantastic fall. In fact, I was recently in both Toronto and Vancouver on the same day. It was shocking that the temperature was 3°, and 26° respectively. … [Read more...]